Child to Parent Violence Support | The Haven
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3 Steps to Connect Package: Child-to-Parent Violence.

Are you experiencing Child to Parent Violence or disconnection with your child?


3 Steps to Connect™ (3SC) is a ground-breaking process which can be used in any situation where a parent is struggling to cope. This may be due to Child to Parent violence, Overwhelming behaviours, Secondary trauma, Compassion fatigue, or a disconnect in the relationship between the parent and child.

This specially designed 3-stage programme is what parents of traumatised children need to rediscover their inner calm and reconnect to their child. Parenting children from trauma can be draining and exhausting, we understand the relentless pressures you face.  


It can be incredibly challenging for parents who are struggling with Child to Parent Violence, overwhelming behaviours, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, or a disconnection with their child. That's why we created the 3 Steps to Connect™ (3SC) program to help you find your way back to a peaceful and caring relationship with your child.


Our program is designed to support you through a 3-stage process that will help you co-regulate and reconnect with your child. We understand that parenting a child who has experienced early life trauma, or a child who displays neurodiverse characteristics can be a difficult at times, which is why our programme is specifically tailored to meet your needs.

Our strategies and opportunities will help you work through issues and reconnect with your child in a meaningful way. If you're feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or on the verge of giving up, please know that you're not alone. The 3SC process is here to help you.

Image by Annie Spratt

Package Details:

Times: 1 x 90-minute session per week for 8 weeks.

Cost: £1200 for one person and £1600 for two people/couples.

Location: Sessions are held online via video call (either TEAMs or Zoom dependent on clients’ preference)

Payment terms: Payment can be made in full or on a monthly payment plan.


All sessions are required to be booked in advance.

*If both parents are participating in the programme they will be required to pay for an extra session in Step 2 which includes Havening techniques, in order to get the most out of their session.

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